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  Mr. Musk could save our planet
Posted by: Lizzy - 11-01-2024, 11:04 AM - Forum: News about solar panels and energy projects of SolarCity - No Replies

Dear Mr. Musk!

As I don‘t know your personal email I try to get through this way. There is something that you could do for our beautiful planet: invest in it‘s future. Help to make it green an blue again (and not just America great again). Help the people living on EARTH! You could really do something meaningful:


I have a wish: Elon tried harder to live sensible. He could.


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Posted by: zr1randy - 11-01-2024, 03:11 AM - Forum: Opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback from the administration - No Replies

I hope this is Ok to post here.  I have been trying to sign up on X; however, when I click on anything to take me to X. the screen flashes on an off and will not allow me to click on anything to take me further into signing up for X.  If there is something someone can do to help me with registeing for X, please let me know.  Thanks

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  President elections
Posted by: Vili - 10-27-2024, 09:23 PM - Forum: Forum rules - Replies (1)

social networks especially short videos in stories are very effective free advertising for candidates if you make short videos with the main slogans and repost them every hour, the effect will be impressive.

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Posted by: Steven E - 10-26-2024, 05:10 PM - Forum: Discussion of the latest news and events from Tesla - No Replies

Good morning Mr. 
I have something that you may be interested in 
It is beneficial to our nation providing free electricity to everyone and applicable to any electric vehicle 
No more lithium batteries required 
Let me know if you're interested 
Be blessed

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  The Bolsheviks are for the Democrats
Posted by: brv - 10-26-2024, 01:39 AM - Forum: Questions and answers regarding various aspects of Elon Musk's activities - No Replies

Dear friends. I present to your attention some facts from the Soviet past that are very similar to the modern Democrats and the Bolsheviks ...

for example, the anthem that was sung in Soviet schools... We are fanning the fire in the world: We will level the church and prisons to the ground
A very popular Soviet film about how the militia was created after the abolition of the police.... The fact of the release of prisoners after the revolution is mentioned. Film: Born by Revolution 1st episode 42 minute, Kerinsky's chicks, released prisoneтрттттьь
Abortions and homosexuality were encouraged especially at the beginning of the Soviet era, homosexuality was later banned, and abortions remained... It is an almost unnoticed fact that one of the leaders of the KGB, then called the NKVD, was open gay and carried out perhaps the bloodiest purge in the history of mankind....
the address comrade, in the USSR, as explained at school, was also chosen because it was gender-neutral, did not have a feminine gender
So this anthem can become the anthem of the United States, when the Democrats come to power, you just need to translate it into English.
It will also be possible to save money on scripts, just take Soviet films, for example about the founding of the militia after the abolition of the police and just translate...
Yes, and much more

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  Previously lost 1989 ABC tv news story
Posted by: Alex L Wasilewski - 10-22-2024, 09:20 PM - Forum: Questions and answers regarding various aspects of Elon Musk's activities - No Replies

Please respond to this email if you would like to view a recently recovered video of an interview in 1989 by Joan Lunden on Good Morning America. ABC denied that the video record exists.

It proves Donald J Trump, and a white, former Suffolk County NY Police Officer collaborated to bring about the largest Civil Rights case in American history against a US corporation.

I am not going to reveal the complete video in a public email.

Here is the link to an excerpt. We were all young then. LOL.


You can leave a message with me at Tel 850-810-4232

In addition to the above matter, I was a whistleblower regarding police corruption on Long Island many years ago.

I know you get many crackpots with all kinds of crazy ideas. Please don't this message get grouped into that slush pile.

If Trump puts this tape out, he gains at least 3% additional Black vote.

Alex Wasilewski

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  Dementia treatment
Posted by: Strickland1411 - 10-20-2024, 07:44 PM - Forum: USA - Replies (1)

Hello I was wondering is your organization has made any advancement to help with dementia? Idea

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Posted by: Marie - 10-17-2024, 11:10 AM - Forum: News about solar panels and energy projects of SolarCity - Replies (1)

I looked on the Musk Foundation webpage but there's no links to their headings. Is the Musk Foundation designing solar for mini communities?
I'm embarking on a project along these ideas...do you have any links I can research into? Storing solar energy? Building natural batteries? We plan to be self sustainable, a flagship project for others to learn by.

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Posted by: SD ENTRETAINMENT - 10-16-2024, 07:46 AM - Forum: India - Replies (1)

mobile no- 9933927306

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  AI Voice Applications for the Voiceless
Posted by: AnnieMae - 10-14-2024, 05:51 PM - Forum: Opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback from the administration - No Replies

I would love for this message to reach Elon. I am reaching out for all Laryngectomees. Those who have had their voice box removed due to cancer, or other injuries. A Laryngectomee has had their esophagus restructured to be fully on its own, as well as their trachea, which leaves them to breath out of a hole in their neck. 

My friend is a Laryngectomee and it's been quite a traumatic experience for him, although he is happy to still be here with us! Without it, his Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Stage 4, Moderately Differentiated tumor, which was contained to 2.5" of his left vocal cord, would have taken his life in a matter of weeks, possibly even days. 

His surgeon told him that approx 100,000/year have this surgery; a small portion of our population in the large scheme of things. In that small number, I have watched this group be left behind by the Medical Industry with remedial and inconvenient ways to "replace" their forever lost voice. 

Have you ever tried to not speak? I think our voice is one of the largest things we take for granted. We don't realize how fast conversation goes, until we can't participate in it. My friend will be trying to text his response to a group conversation and by the time he's done texting it, we are moved on 3 more subjects ahead of him. He is easily frustrated by it, and feels left out - He often says he's going crazy in his own head by not being able to get his thoughts out. 

The normal "voice replacement", is a small plastic tube inserted between the trachea and the esophagus. A Laryngectomee wears a plastic sticker which holds a filter over their neck hole (the neck hole is called a Stoma). They then can push on this filter and it pushes air through the small plastic device, allowing them to ultimately "burp speak". It works well for most, however, the plastic piece has to have daily care, and has to be replaced in the Dr's office, every 3-6 weeks. It's a lot of maintenance, but it's also a lot of concern if it fails or starts leaking. As well as highly inconvenient because it requires one hand to be pushing on the filter in order to be able to speak. 

My friend was excited to find a possible replacement to this spendy and timely upkeep with a company called UltraVoice. They offer a retainer product that allows the recreation of speech. He paid $5,500 for the equipment, had to work with a dentist to have the "retainer" portion made, then had to have it fitted after it was made, then back to the company to get the electronics put in and then back to him finally. It took a couple of months for the complete process. 

He just got it and he was SO EXCITED that he was going to get to speak again after 8 months of being without a voice. But the equipment (& the marketing materials) all look like they're right out of 1986. Cheap plastic and the retainer is so large, it hurts his mouth and he looks like a chipmunk with it in. It does seem to work, he can speak and form words - however, they sound very robotic; not human at all; which truly has broken his spirit all over again. Additionally, there is a battery pack, and no matter where he puts it there is a large amount of reverb, so he can't turn the device up and he's barely audible. There's a microphone with it which is supposed to help amplify his voice, but it doesn't seem to help.

The medical industry is an interesting profit maker. If you have breast cancer, medicare will pay for breast reconstructive surgery for you to feel "normal" again, but such a small number of laryngectomees, there doesn't seem to be enough money in the game to help them recover their missing voice; something that is actually extremely helpful in navigating life. Something that everyone needs to make a simple phone call to accomplish anything. 

My friend is a dump truck driver. Imagine trying to get excavators to work with him. It doesn't happen unless they stop their work to text him. He can't call to get things fixed at home. He can't call his Dr's office. He can't have a simple conversation at dinner out with friends. He can't tell those he loves that he loves them.

I'm reaching out, Elon, because I think you're truly one of the most amazing men of our time. And I can't help but to think that your Neural AI and this UltraVoice, could EASILY be combined and refined to provide a simple, yet very effective device for these Laryngectomees. UltraVoice says that they are working on AI applications this year that would allow him to "choose his voice", but with the remedialness of the entire company, I feel my friend was taken advantage of and I fear no one at this company is working on any further science to elevate this product. I would hope that with true AI, videos of him speaking would allow for his God given voice to be replicated. While that is his dream, he would be happy just to be heard in a human aspect once again. He's so saddened to think he may just need to remain a mute the rest of his years. He will be 59 soon, so we hope it is many years! The cancer surgery was a huge success and he's in full remission with no chemo and only 3 radiation treatments. We feel he has a long life ahead of him! 

We both hope you can help Elon! 

Noah & Annie Mae

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